Timeline of Appts and Symptoms

12 ∙ 2006 I get a cold, coughing, sneezing, stuffy and runny nose, starts getting better in about seven days

12 ∙ 2006 Cough comes back

12 ∙ 2006 - Desperate attempts via Benadryl, Mucinex, Dayquil, Nyquil, Robitussin, cough
5 ∙ 2007 drops, Sudafed, Hydrocodone, Delsym, Actifed

5 ∙ 2007 Saw Dr. Mills, GP in Ringwood, New Jersey, was diagnosed with seasonal allergies and given prescription Claritin-D and Zyrtec

7 ∙ 2007 Saw GP #2 in NJ, sent for chest x-rays (normal) and referred to pulmonologist

8 ∙ 2007 Saw Dr. Nidal, pulmonologist, in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey had breathing test done for allergies, diagnosed with allergy to cats and Bermuda grass based on pulmonary testing.

10 ∙ 2007 Saw 2nd pulmonologist at Fletcher Allen in Burlington, VT. Dr. suspected asthma.

11 ∙ 2007 Pulmonologist #2 performed tests to check vocal cord functioning and movement (did not perform endoscopy). Also performed Methacholine challenge. Responded to highest level of testing, diagnosed with asthma, prescribed Asthma.

11 ∙ 2007 In first speed walking class after starting Advair, heart rate elevated to over 200 beats/minute. Pulmonologist stated this was caused by asthma. I disagreed and refused further asthma treatment.

1 ∙ 2008 Saw Pulmonologist #3 in VT. Suggested stress test based on response to Advair.

2 ∙ 2008 Stress test showed no signs of asthma.

3 ∙ 2008 In follow-up with Pulmonologist #3, Dr. prescribes steroid to try for a week, starting with a very high dosage and lowering it. Does not change cough.

4 ∙ 2008 While visiting in New Jersey, see GP #3, prescribed with Tessalon Pearls, nasal spray, and inhaler. Tessalon Pearls seem to work sometimes.

5 ∙ 2008 See Dr. Silverman, Otolaryngologist #1 in Vermont. Performs endoscopy, suspects acid reflux, recommends OTC Prilosec for three months. Does not change cough. Dr. recommends seeing an allergist if Prilosec does not work. Also recommends CT scan of sinuses which is normal.

5 ∙ 2008 - Graduate from UVM, move to NJ, lapse in health insurance, focus on wedding
10 ∙ 2008

10 ∙ 2008 Begin having coughing fits that turn to gagging and end in throwing up. Also begin having episodes where voice cuts out, only to return after subsequent coughing fit.

11 ∙ 2008 See Dr. Silverman, allergist, in New Jersey. Tested for 300 allergies using skin pricks, respond to none. Dr. recommends return to otolaryngologist.

11 ∙ 2008- Move to VT, lapse in health insurance
4 ∙ 2009

4 ∙ 2009 See otolaryngologist #1again. Dr. continues to suspect acid reflux, prescribes Nexium for three months. Does not change cough, causes gassy stomach.

7 ∙ 2009 See Otolaryngologist #2 in VT, Dr. Landrigan; agrees with acid reflux diagnosis. Ups dosage of Nexium from once daily to twice daily. Nexium causes acid reflux, does not change cough.

10 ∙ 2009 Otolaryngologist #2 sets up barium swallow testing, proves acid reflux diagnosis despite lack of heartburn and other symptoms. Recommends gastroenterologist.

11 ∙ 2009 VT Gastroenterologist suggests discontinuing use of Nexium. Recommends implanting Ph-probe into esophagus to test for acid reflux conclusively.

1 ∙ 2010 Ph-probe test shows no abnormality of Ph in esophagus. Gastroenterologist recommends surgery to reinforce stomach valve.

1 ∙ 2010 VT Gastroenterological surgeon recommends catheter testing to conclude whether or not any liquid is being regurgitated and if surgery would be helpful. Based on negative Ph testing and inability to complete catheter testing due to severely sensitive gag reflex, gastroenterological surgeon instead recommends praying for medical advances.

2 ∙ 2010 Whitney Calkins, GP #4 in Vermont prescribed inhaler to limit cough due to inflamed airways due to cough. Also prescribes Tessalon Pearls which seem to work sometimes, at first. Discontinued use of both after two months, after neither appeared to be working.

4 ∙ 2010 GP #4 orders neck CT scan after I inquire if the problem could be nerve related. Meanwhile recommends continuing to take walks, as this is only activity I do not cough during.

5 ∙ 2010 Begin having episodes of gagging and throwing up without preceding coughing fits, also random, intense, stabbing pains behind back of inside of throat that do not respond to OTC pain medication.

5 ∙ 5 ∙ 2010 Neck CT scan, Fletcher Allen, VT comes back positive for Vagal Paraganglioma.

5 ∙25 ∙2010 MRI and MRA of neck and head done for better imaging, also in VT.

5 ∙28 ∙2010 VT Otolaryngologist #3, Dr. Brundage, surgeon, discusses options for surgery. Discusses loss of Vagus nerve, right vocal cord paresis, and possible necessity to cut jaw to operate via back of mouth. Recommends consulting neurosurgeon. Dr. orders bloodwork to test for thyroid condition and hormones indicating functionality of tumor.

6 ∙1 ∙2010 See VT neurosurgeon, Dr. Horgan. Dr. discusses with Otolaryngological surgeon, does not feel cutting jaw in half to be very likely. Recommends surgery be completed within next two months.