Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting Closer!

Dan and I will be leaving for New Jersey in four days, on Wednesday! We hope to get some fun in down there before I check into the hospital.

I am really excited to stop coughing and throwing up. REALLY EXCITED.

Some of my church family is working on a "Prayers and Squares" quilt for me, and have invited me along this weekend. I am so excited and touched to be receiving such a meaningful gift!

I will probably be posting a few more times before I check into the hospital, and afterwards my husband, Dan, will be using the blog to update you on the surgery and recovery, especially while I am in the hospital. He will also be answering any phone calls and text messages that I receive.

As a few people have asked, my address while down there is:
Heather Hack
c/o the Grossmann Family
74 Mtn Glen Rd
Ringwood, NJ 07456
We will be having our mail from up here forwarded, but they will only forward bills, letters, and cards (and possibly magazines).

Thank you for your continued support!


Maggie Coyne Holt said...

Heather and Dan,
A breezy day is dawning; it should be a nice day for travel.

You know how many prayers are going with you.

Thanks for keeping us posted on your journey. Thanks also for joining us with quilting the other night. Soon you'll be able to wrap up in love and prayers, literally!

Love, Maggie

Maggie Coyne Holt said...

I don't know if it works like this, but here are photos from Saturday's quilt session.


susan a said...

Heather -

What an odyssey you are on! Thank you for creating a blog. I had heard you would be out early in the Fall from Nicole Morris but Debbie's note today brought me up to speed. (Thank you, Debbie.)

After reading your blog entries and the timeline for the last 1/2 hour (beautiful blog by the way, and your first attempt, yeah!)I can see that you have become an expert on your condition. This is the best strategy -- to advocate for yourself. When my mother was ill and I was her caregiver people used to ask me if I was a nurse (not sure why they didn't think I was a physician!) because I knew so much about the tests, her condition and treatment plan, etc.

It's so sad that you had to be unwell for so long and the many physicians you saw over the years seemed to diagnose you in a perfunctory manner...allergies, asthma, acid reflux, seems like they were so convinced that it was one of the other conditions. Your real condition didn't even appear to be on their radar until the CT of your neck was finally ordered.

I will send you good vibes for your upcoming surgery and recovery, Heather. Dan, thank you for taking care of Heather and please do keep us updated on her progress through the blog.


Susan Ames
Magnus' Mom at Bellwether

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather -
Wow, you really did the blog!
Well, I am glad you did, so that we can all be up to date on how you are doing.
I hope that you post ways that we can all help you along the way.
I know there are probably so many of us that would love to know how to help you through this scary and difficult time.
Patrick was over the moon excited to see you the other day!
Much Love,
The RIcca Family