Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No More Tumor!!

Hi all! The tumor is all gone!! But let me back up.

First, on Monday Heather was admitted at 6:30am to Westchester Medical Center, and was setup for her angiogram. It went well, and they embolized it with no issues. The morphine or the anesthesia made her throw up and cough, which hurt her puncture wound in her thigh, which made them want to give her more drugs... it was a vicious cycle.

She survived the night, and so did I... on two chairs pushed together in a waiting room. Oh well.

This morning (what day is it again?) she went into surgery for the tumor-ectomy. She went in at 7:45am. At 1pm they told me that they had "reached the tumor" and I groaned thinking I was in for a long afternoon of surgery. To my surprise she was all done by 4pm and I could go in to see her by 5:30pm. She looked like she had just gotten done with a long surgery (surprise surprise, huh?) and was very groggy and squoze my finger kinda hard, but was heavily drugged.

She went to PACU (post anesthesia care unit) and then to Neuro-ICU where she was given far too much morphine, which made her throw up, which started a who new vicious cycle. Eventually Valium won the day and she went to sleep. Then I cam back to her parents house, showered, shaved, became more like a normal person, and am now blogging with you nice people.

Night Night! (or goodmorning)


Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear that you both are doing well. Send Heather love from Maddie, Lyle and I! Can't wait to see you both again soon. Tell Heather to save some of that valium for staff meetings!

Maggie Coyne Holt said...

SO glad you are post op now...day # 3 or 4. I hope you are comfortable but I hope even moreso (as a PT) that you are moving and breating deep. It is difficult but oh so improtant!! If they have given you an insentive spirometer, use it hourly to get the deepest breaths you can.

We are all pulling for you and praying for you.

THe Ripple Mission trip was a success and our Empathy Olympics was rejuventaed and much enjoyed. More on that later.

Pastor Krista Beth said...

What wonderful news! (Thanks for the call, Dan.) There are many folks here in VT continuing to pray for your both. Blessings on Heather's recovery. We look forward to seeing you both in September!