Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Road to Recovery

Hi everyone!

Thank you for the continued cards, flowers, calls, and visits! I'm still kinda groggy from pain meds but it's nice to break up the day with little conversations. :)

The swelling has gone down immensely; I can tell because I can feel parts of my face I couldn't before.

I'm not sure if I've told you all (I can't remember what I've written and it would take a while to try to go back and read) but the tumor is all out, and they are nearly positive they didn't do any damage to any nerves, even the one it was on. I can talk and swallow really well, although my voice is still a little weak and its hard to eat because of the swelling. But I can feel the numbness receding each day (my head is just so swollen on that side that I can't feel anything in the general area of the surgery), and my tongue is almost back to completely normal motions.

We are still waiting to hear what type of tumor it was, as it was neither a paraganglioma or a schwannoma. But they still think it was not cancerous, based on the shape and make-up.

My ear continues to make a purring sound as the pressure reduces in my head, every so often it pops a little which is exciting. I'm still on lots of steroids for swelling and pain meds and pills to keep my stomach working and pills to stop me from being sick because of all the other pills...

Oh yeah, and I'M NOT COUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, when I breathe in a little spit then I do, but other than that, NOT COUGHING! It makes me really happy.

I'll continue to update you on my recovery, but I'm guessing it'll mostly be the same, just slow and steady. I keep reminding myself that they still expected me to be in the hospital today, even best case scenario, so I am ahead of schedule.

Taking too many naps to be bored yet, so that's good!

Talk to you all soon! Thank you for the love and support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Heather,
Glad to hear the good news. We are very relieved to hear things are going so well.
Scott & Mary Elise