Friday, August 13, 2010

ER day for my Hacklioma

Yesterday we called the doctor because my right pupil was constricted. The neurosurgeons insisted on my meeting them at Westchester Medical Center's emergency room, where we spent seven hours.

All in all, the pupil is part of Horner's Syndrome, a nerve weakness that often occurs on one side of the face following nerve surgeries or even just nerve damage. They did a CAT scan and found nothing wrong, and gave me some eye drops, because if the eye is too dry it can have trouble dilating.

They also prescribed me lots of ear drops, because the pressure in my head is due to a large amount of clotted blood in my ear canal. It's all hydrogen peroxide based drops, so every few hours I have to deal with bubbling and tickling, trying not to make faces that will make my stitches hurt later.

My aunt, uncle, and cousins from Vermont came down to visit! It was great to see them yesterday and today, although my poor cousin Jonathan got sick. :( Hopefully not something I will catch. My cousins have decided my tumor should be named after me, a Hacklioma. I love it! Especially since they are still undecided as to what it actually is/was.

We have decided I need....Ben and Jerry's! I've lost almost twenty pounds! I haven't been this tiny since college!

Thanks for the continued cards gifts etc!

1 comment:

Maggie Coyne Holt said...

Heather!! Eat!!! One can not run an engine on no fuel. All that healing--every stitch-hole--needs EXTRA energy to build a healthy matrix in tune with it's surroundings. Whatever you find easy or pleasant or possible to eat: indulge and eat a lot. Find a way to supplement for food groups you aren't getting (protien powder??) This is not a luxury, it's a responsibility!
Enough lecture? (it's enough if you are going to grab a banana now)
Sorry you had the ER run. Happy you are out of the hospital! Goodbye Hacklioma! Goodbye cough!!

Love love love, Maggie