Saturday, August 21, 2010

More Surgery

So, I saw the laryngologist on Tuesday, and was given the bad news: I will be needing surgery to repair my vocal cords. My weak voice and lack of propulsion when swallowing is due to nerve damage caused by the surgery, and will not get better without surgery. Bummer. While unfortunate, they had expected it, so it's not a surprise, although I was hoping it wouldn't be necessary.

Surgery is scheduled for October 13th, so we will be driving back down to New Jersey in October.

Recovery is going pretty well, but now that I'm done taking the steroids my swelling is up quite a bit, which causes more pain and discomfort than I had before, on and off. I definitely have more energy most days, but not as much as I'd like.

Dan and I will be staying in New Jersey for about another week; my dad turns sixty on Saturday and we'd like to be here to celebrate with him. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the additional surgery. Glad to hear you are making progress. Rest and heal up! Scott & ME